825111 VU Städtebau

Wintersemester 2020/2021 | Stand: 13.10.2020 LV auf Merkliste setzen
VU Städtebau
VU 2

Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, die Komplexität von Stadt und Landschaft zu erfassen, zu analysieren und mit den Diskursen der Architekturtheorie reflektiert in Verbindung zu setzen.

Group 0-5 (Miss Badafareh and Mr Atashi):

Synecdoche, City

This course explores different kinds of urban entities in big scale urban projects. These Projects consider being microscale cities which are embedded in an urban fabric but performing separately from it. Each of these projects combined multiple meanings, programs, and urban elements to become objects with the characteristics and qualities of a city. This course aims to understand how these autonomous urban entities combine to create an unprecedented object with new qualities and new narratives.
In this course, each student studies and analyzes one specific urban project. There are several analyses which students should deliver according to the timeline and description that we will provide them. At the end of the course, students will understand and read cities through different qualities embedded in the urban fabric.

Group 6-7 (Miss Arlyapova):

Formal Analysis of Cities

The course introduces students to disciplinary approaches to urban design. Students learn how to read the city - its architecture, its content and its form. The main aim of the studio is to study various architectural typologies and their socio-economical and political ideas. Students will conduct a thorough formal analysis of the several urban projects and learn how different typologies are manifested in different cities. Students will develop critical thinking, acquire techniques of analysing and representing urban design ideas.

Schriftlich - Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung gemäß § 7 Satzungsteil, Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen.

Relevant Literature:
1.The City As A Project, Pier Vittorio Aureli
2.The Architecture of the City, Aldo Rossi
3.The city in the city. Berlin: a Green Archipelago. A manifesto (1977) by Oswald Matias Ungers and Rem Koolhaas.  
4.Delirious New York, Rem Koolhaas

-Mumford, Lewis, The Culture of Cities, New York (Harcourt Brace and Company) 1938
-Mumford, Lewis, Die Stadt. Geschichte und Ausblick (band 1, band 2), München (dtv) 1979
-Benevolo, Leonardo, Die Geschichte der Stadt, Frankfurt (Campus Verlag) 1983
-Tafuri, Manfredo, Dal Co, Francesco, Architektur der Gegewart, Stuttgart (Belser Verlag) 1977
-Frampton, Kenneth, Die Architektur der Moderne. Eine kritische Baugeschichte, Stuttgart (Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt) 2001
-Kostof, Spiro, The city shaped. Urban patterns and meanings through history, London (Thames and Hudson) 1991
-Kostof, Spiro, The city assembled. The elements of urban form through history, Boston (Brown Little) 1992
-Hobsbawm, John Ernest, Das Zeitalter der Extreme. Weltgeschichte de 20. Jahrhunderts, München (Carl Hanser Verlag) 1995

Group 0-5 (Miss Badafareh and Mr Atashi):


05.10.2020 (Monday 18-20) 

12.10.2020 (Monday 18-20) 

19.10.2020 (Monday 18-20) 

30.10.2020 (Friday 14-16) 

09.11.2020 (Monday 18-20) 

16.11.2020 (Monday 18-20) 

23.11.2020 (Monday 18-20) 

30.11.2020 (Monday 18-20) 

07.12.2020 (Monday 18-20)

14.12.2020 (Monday 18-20) 

04.01.2021 (Monday 18-20) 

11.01.2021 (Monday 18-20) 

18.01.2021 (Monday 18-20) 

25.01.2021 (Monday 18-20)  

Group 6-7 (Miss Arlyapova):


09.10.2020 (Friday 17-19)

12.10.2020 (Monday 16-18)

19.10.2020 (Monday 16-18)

27.10.2020 (Tuesday 17-19)

09.11.2020 (Monday 16-18)

16.11.2020 (Monday 16-18)

23.11.2020 (Monday 16-18)

30.11.2020 (Monday 16-18)

07.12.2020 (Monday 16-18)

14.12.2020 (Monday 16-18)

04.01.2021 (Monday 16-18)

11.01.2021 (Monday 16-18)

18.01.2021 (Monday 16-18)

25.01.2021 (Monday 16-18)

siehe Termine
  • SDG 11 - Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden: Städte und Siedlungen inklusiv, sicher, widerstandsfähig und nachhaltig gestalten
  • SDG 15 - Leben an Land: Landökosysteme schützen, wiederherstellen und ihre nachhaltige Nutzung fördern, Wälder nachhaltig bewirtschaften, Wüstenbildung bekämpfen, Bodendegradation beenden und umkehren und dem Verlust der biologischen Vielfalt ein Ende setzen