The student portal LFU:online made its first appearance on 16 October 2006.
Two years earlier the former provider of the administration software had announced to withdraw from business and thus the University of Innsbruck had to decide whether to develop its own software or buy another product. The University voted for in-house development and commissioned the VIS Department of the Central IT Services to start a project.
Since then, the team of 10 around Günther Polig has been designing an implementing LFU:online as well as a large number of internal applications for 28.000 students and 4.500 university staff.
Facts and Figures
The following figures give a picture of how LFU:online has evolved over the years:
- Since 2006 more than 122.000 people (no duplicate count!) logged into LFU:online; on average 5.300 students use the student portal every day.
- The students made 3.9 million course bookings for the total number of 240.000 stored courses. There are 5.3 million exams in the official exam register and another 300.000 exams are added every academic year.
- The students made 73.000 online applications which spared them the personal visit to the Admission Department or Examinations Office.
- Since 2012 LFU:online generated more than 2 million documents such as Admission Records or Academic Records, 1.500 documents every day.
There were several milestones in the 10 years of development: automatic requirement checks for course bookings, online applications, lists of equivalences for recognising exams etc. The latest milestone was when LFU:online became responsive in spring 2016, thus optimising LFU:online for use on mobile devices.
Let's hope that LFU:online will continue to prosper so that there will be a reason to celebrate again in ten years' time...