146155 VU Microcontroller Architecture and Applications

summer semester 2018 | Last update: 30.11.2023 Place course on memo list
VU Microcontroller Architecture and Applications
VU 3

Students have an advanced knowledge of the most important and fundamental principles of electric measuring technology and electric measuring methods and of the measuring procedures and systems; They are familiar with the functionality and use of important sensors or measuring devices resp. and the appropriate basic circuits. Students have the required knowledge of the functionality of micro- and macro-architectures of microcontrolle rs and they have the qualification to implement macro architectures using micro architectures.

Micro- and macro-architectures of microcontrollers;

Continuous assessment (based on regular written and/or oral contribution by participants).

Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations"

Will be discussed in the first lesson.

Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2018-03-19
13.15 - 16.45 UMIT UMIT SR-Campus
Mon 2018-04-16
13.15 - 16.45 UMIT UMIT SR-Campus
Tue 2018-05-08
13.15 - 14.45 UMIT UMIT SR101
Mon 2018-05-14
13.15 - 16.45 UMIT UMIT HS002
Mon 2018-06-04
13.15 - 16.45 UMIT UMIT SR101
Mon 2018-06-11
13.15 - 16.45 UMIT UMIT SR101
Mon 2018-06-25
13.15 - 16.45 UMIT UMIT HS002
Fri 2018-06-29
09.15 - 12.45 UMIT UMIT SR101
Mon 2018-09-24
09.15 - 16.45 UMIT UMIT SR101
Tue 2018-10-16
09.15 - 16.45 UMIT UMIT SR101