146601 Introduction to Sculpture
Wintersemester 2016/2017 | Stand: 16.09.2016 | LV auf Merkliste setzenStudents will learn about sculpture through the ages, gain a greater appreciation of sculpture within the historical and physical settings of Europe, and learn studio modelling techniques.
This course is being taught on-site in Innsbruck, Austria, and will combine practical skills with an appreciation of sculpture in European art history. Field work and studio work are both integral to the course. First-hand observation of centuries of European sculpture will include pre-historic artifacts (Ferdinandeum museum), ancient classical sculpture (Gipsmuseum, University of Innsbruck), historic bronze castings (Kaiser Maximilians Schwarze Manderl), through to more recent sculpture and contemporary public art. Students will be introduced to various materials and methods. For practical reasons, studio work will concentrate on the use of clay.
Students will be required to develop work of their own during the course of the semester for evaluation. In addition, students will be expected to master the reading and visual material provided.
Evaluation criteria include attendance, active participation, engagement in field observations, final written and/or oral examination of topics covered and assessment of the studio work. Attendance is required. No more than two excused absences will be allowed without penalty.
This course is open to University of Innsbruck students.
Personal contact required: Dr. Margaret Davidson: margaret.davidson@uibk.ac.at
- Interfakultäre Studien und interdisziplinäres Angebot