146678 MANG 3401.2 - Introduction to Management & Organizational Behavior
Sommersemester 2015 | Stand: 18.12.2014 | LV auf Merkliste setzenPrerequisites: ACCT 2100 and ECON 1203 or 1200. An examination of management practices, behavioral implications and organizational systems from the perspective of classical and contemporary theory.
This course presents an overview of the major organizational behavior concepts and their relationship to the successful management of organizations. Throughout the course, we will discuss individuals in organizations, teams in organizations, group processes, intergroup relations, and the organization itself. While the course utilizes many contemporary organizational behavior and management theories, the application will often be done in the context of our surroundings, the Tyrol region of Austria and the greater European continent. The goal of this course is to provide you with an understanding of management and organizational behavior so that you may appreciate and be able to manage the complexities and challenges associated with modern organizations.
Management is an integral component of organizational life and we will study a number of concepts and theories designed to improve your managerial abilities. In addition, we will explore behavioral influences that affect productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency. We will look at topics including perception and learning, employee motivation, team dynamics, intraorganizational communication, leadership, power and influence, job design, organizational structure, culture, and change.
By course end, you will have: increased your understanding of the complexities and multifaceted aspects of management; developed a toolbox of organizational behavior theories to apply to various settings; and developed your analytical skills as they relate to organizational issues.
The University of New Orleans International Summer School program has a mandatory class attendance policy. All students are required to attend class for all morning classes and any required afternoon and/or weekend fields trips and lectures. No unexcused absences are allowed. However, LFU students who have to miss a UNO class due to LFU examinations in the first two weeks of our program, can receive one excused absence for this. Any further unexcused absences will result in an academic penalty. Each faculty member determines the penalty for missed classes. Most professors deduct a letter grade for each additional missed class day. For details, please refer to your course syllabi, which will be distributed on the first day of class. Mail: Center-New-Orleans@uibk.ac.at
Die Anrechnung der Kurse der UNO-IBK International Summer School muss von den Studierenden selbst vorab mit den zuständigen StudiendekanInnen geklärt werden. Diese allein entscheiden über die Anerkennung der belegten Kurse für das jeweilige Studienfach. Es wird empfohlen, sich einen Vorabbescheid über die Anerkennung der Kurse ausstellen zu lassen.
- Interfakultäre Studien und interdisziplinäres Angebot