146681 MKT 4546 - International Marketing Management

Sommersemester 2015 | Stand: 03.02.2015 LV auf Merkliste setzen
MKT 4546 - International Marketing Management
SE 3
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Prerequisites: MKT 3501 or MKT 4400. A study of the significant aspects of international business operations including the historical development of foreign trade policy and operative problems of international business operations, private and public organizations in foreign trade, and the legal dimensions of foreign trade. Graduate students will not receive credit for both MKT 5546 and 6546.


This course covers international marketing theory reflecting international issues and concerns and practical applications to the export/import business. Topics discussed will include but will not be limited, International Marketing Strategies and Research, Pricing and Incoterms, Legal Considerations, Logistics, International Banking and Financing and Cultural Aspects of Doing International Business.

Students will learn practical knowledge on how to do business in foreign countries, with application on how to import into the United States and how to export to other markets. Also, they will learn how cultural differences can affect the way business is done overseas.

The University of New Orleans International Summer School program has a mandatory class attendance policy. All students are required to attend class for all morning classes and any required afternoon and/or weekend fields trips and lectures. No unexcused absences are allowed. However, LFU students who have to miss a UNO class due to LFU examinations in the first two weeks of our program, can receive one excused absence for this. Any further unexcused absences will result in an academic penalty. Each faculty member determines the penalty for missed classes. Most professors deduct a letter grade for each additional missed class day. For details, please refer to your course syllabi, which will be distributed on the first day of class. Mail: Center-New-Orleans@uibk.ac.at

Die Anrechnung der Kurse der UNO-IBK International Summer School muss von den Studierenden selbst vorab mit den zuständigen StudiendekanInnen geklärt werden. Diese allein entscheiden über die Anerkennung der belegten Kurse für das jeweilige Studienfach. Es wird empfohlen, sich einen Vorabbescheid über die Anerkennung der Kurse ausstellen zu lassen.

29.06.-07.08.2015, 11:00 - 12:20 Uhr, 50109/3