222018 Dogmatik: Vertiefung III: Incarnation and Mediation: The Future of the Catholic Theology of Religions

Sommersemester 2009 | Stand: 15.07.2009 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Dogmatik: Vertiefung III: Incarnation and Mediation: The Future of the Catholic Theology of Religions
VO 2
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The Catholic theology of religions has been characterized by its attention to the theme of mediation, that is to say, the question of ‘the how, the when, and the where’ of the communication of God’s saving presence or grace. This concern is reflected in the debate about the role to be ascribed to non-Christian religions in the economy of salvation. However, ‘classical’ Catholic inclusivist theology seems to have reached an impasse. Recently, so-called ‘comparative theology’ has presented itself as a way forward, as a ‘new’ option. But is this approach really as promising as it seems? And can it learn from the recent history of Catholic theology of religions, especially as regards the theme of mediation. This lecture will argue that comparative theology is not as unproblematic as it appears and that it does indeed have much to learn from the history of Catholic inclusivism.
Clooney, Francis: Comparative Theology, in: J. Webster / K. Tanner / I. Torrance (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Systematic Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, 653-669. Merrigan, Terrence: Saving the Particular: Incarnation and the Mediation of Salvation in the Theology of Religions, in: L. Boeve / M. Lamberigts / T. Merrigan (ed.): Orthodoxy: Process and Product, Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium. euven: University Press & Peeters, 2008 - in press. Merrigan, Terrence: The Appeal to Yves Congar in Recent Catholic Theology of Religions: The Case of Jacques Dupuis, in Gabriel Flynn (ed.): Yves Congar: Theologian of the Church, Louvain Theological and Pastoral Monographs, 32. Leuven: Peeters, Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans, 2005, 427-457. Tracy, David: Comparative Theology,” in: Mircea Eliade (ed.): Encyclopedia of Religion, 16 vols. New York: Macmillan, 1987, 14:446-455.
Beginn: 16.03.2009
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Mo 16.03.2009
08.00 - 12.30 SR VII (Theologie) SR VII (Theologie) Barrierefrei
Di 17.03.2009
08.00 - 12.30 SR VI (Theologie) SR VI (Theologie) Barrierefrei
Mi 18.03.2009
14.00 - 18.30 SR VII (Theologie) SR VII (Theologie) Barrierefrei
Do 19.03.2009
08.00 - 12.30 SR I (Theologie) SR I (Theologie) Barrierefrei
Fr 20.03.2009
08.00 - 12.30 SR VI (Theologie) SR VI (Theologie) Barrierefrei