402052 International Political Consultancy

Wintersemester 2002/2003 | Stand: 28.02.2003 LV auf Merkliste setzen
International Political Consultancy
SE 2
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§ 10(2)d
The ongoing process of professionalization and internationalization of electioneering and cam-paign practices in media-centered democracies in the central topic of this advanced seminar. The seminar examines the changing nature of elections and campaign practices. It focuses on the growing professionalization of campaign techniques in media-centered democracies like the USA, Western Europe and Australia but also on campaign styles in newly democratized regions like Latin America, East Central Europe and Russia. You will be required to write three papers, of approximately 10 pages each. These papers will be shared with your classmates and professor. You will choose a country, other than the United States, with which you are familiar or interested in and write your papers from the perspective of an overseas consultant who is interested in strategic consultancy in the respective country.
Seminararbeit in englischer Sprache
Plasser, Fritz (with Gunda Plasser): Global Political Campaigning. Westport CT 2002. Le Duc, Lawrence; Niemi, Richard G. and Norris Pippa (eds.): Comparing Democracies 2. Thou-sand Oaks 2002
Anmeldung, max. 20 TeilnehmerInnen
Beginn: 7.10.02
Mo 13.15-14.45, SR 5