406253 SE Lektürekurs zur Accountingtheorie

Wintersemester 2009/2010 | Stand: 12.03.2010 LV auf Merkliste setzen
SE Lektürekurs zur Accountingtheorie
SE 2
The purpose of the course is to complement functional and technical courses in accounting and to increase students understanding of accounting by introducing knowledge how accounting may be influenced by and influence its organizational and social context.
The course gives an overview of research on accounting in its social and organizational context.
Integrated lecture and seminar; lecture: introduction to the field; seminar: presentations and discussions of research articles and term papers.
Seminar: term papers and active participation in class and written exam 90 minutes
To be announced at start of course.
Integrated with SE Readings in Accounting Theory (406253)
Beginn: siehe Termine
Mi, 21.10.2009, 09.00- 17.00, Besprechungszimmer RTW
Do, 22.10.2009, 09.00-17.00, Besprechungszimmer RTW
Mi, 04.11.2009, 09.00- 17.00, Besprechungszimmer RTW
Do, 05.11.2009, 09.00-17.00, Besprechungszimmer RTW
Di, 08.12.2009, 09.00-17.00, SR 17
Mi, 09.12.2009, 09.00- 17.00, Besprechungszimmer RTW
Do, 10.12.2009, 09.00-17.00, Besprechungszimmer RTW
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Fr 18.12.2009
10.00 - 11.45 SR 3 (Sowi) SR 3 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Klausur