408016 The European City

Wintersemester 2002/2003 | Stand: 20.02.2003 LV auf Merkliste setzen
The European City
VU 2
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This part of the course looks at the city in Europe: its emergence, its relations to the state, the nature of the modern and the 'post'-modern city. Urban sociology has long been one of the most vital sub-areas of sociology treating the built environment not just as a reflection, but also as a generator of social relations, as well as an expression of power and a source of social identity. The city in turn has been the inspiration for much classical and contemporay social theorizing from Simmel and Weber through to David Harvey and Manuel Castells. The series of lectures and seminars examines the formation and nature of the European City using a broad range of examples and perspectives.
Referate und Seminararbeit
Anmeldung: Sekretariat des Instituts für Soziologie! Begrenzte TeilnehmerInnenzahl
Beginn: 9.10.2002
Mi 11.00-12.30, SR 6