408029 Hobbes - Macchiavelli - Weber

Wintersemester 2003/2004 | Stand: 23.11.2004 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Hobbes - Macchiavelli - Weber
SE 2
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The realism that has dominated contemporary social science (whether politics, international relations or political sociology) is the heir to a long tradition. This course looks at two classical theorists of that tradition - Machiavelli and Hobbes - plus the political writings of Weber who, more than anyone else - provided the link between this line of political theory and modern social-scientific analysis. Machiavelli's The Prince and sections of The Discourses plus sections of Hobbes's Levi than will be covered. We shall finally go on to trace the influence of these texts in Weber's analysis of the modern state and liberal democracy. The seminar will take the form of a reading group with students presenting sections of text. Please only sign up for the course if you intend to do the reading for each week.
Language of instruction: English/German depending upon students' wishes.
Anmeldung ab 15.9.2003 per e-mail: maria.muigg@uibk.ac.at oder 507-7301.
Beginn: 7.10.2003, Besprechungsraum Institut f.Soziologie
Di 16.00-17.30, Bespr. Zi