419015 VU Research Practice of Sociology of Law and Criminology

summer semester 2025 | Last update: 20.11.2024 Place course on memo list
VU Research Practice of Sociology of Law and Criminology
VU 2
every 2 weeks

Expertise in empirical approaches and methodology in the field of sociology of law and criminology

This course offers insights into methodological approaches, challenges, and findings in the field of sociology of law and criminology. It adresses issues such as accessibility of the field, ethical questions, etc.. References to theoretical assumptions in the research area are established and explored with students. As part of the course, participants will conduct a small-scale research on their own/in groups.

Input by the lecturer, guest contributions; reading assignements; small empirical research project, brief input on research results in the VU, short paper on this research

Active participation, preparation of literature, small empirical research project, presentation in class, brief paper;

will be announced in the first session

bi-weekly; 3 online session

see dates
Group Booking period
419015-0 2025-02-01 00:00 - 2025-02-21 23:59
Hofinger V.