433015 VU Organization and Organizing

Wintersemester 2009/2010 | Stand: 05.03.2010 LV auf Merkliste setzen
VU Organization and Organizing
VU 2
Students shall acquire basic knowledge on the field organization studies with specific respect to its basic ideas, issues and paradigms. Students shall be able to distinguish different approaches to organization studies and should be able to describe the interrelation between historical contingencies and specific discourses within organization studies.
- The concept of organization - The field of organization studies, paradigms of OS - Rational discipline and organised modernity - the role of organizations in modern society - The emergence of modern(ist) Management and Organization - Organization, Leadership and Personality - Organizations as Institutions (Neoinstitutionalism) - Early and contemporary critique of bureaucracy - Interpretive Organization Studies (Culture, Sensemaking, Enactment) - Modernization and Reform (including project based organizations and networks)
Instructions, lectures, plenary and group discussions, reading assignments
Written and / or oral exams, literature reviews, small case studies
Basic literature: Clegg, S., Kornberger, M. & Pitsis, T. (2004): Managing and Organizations: An introduction to Theory and Practice. London: Sage (pp. 1-114) - available at Studia as a photocopy further literature to specific topics of the course will be provided via e-campus
VU (2) Weiskopf and VU (2) Scott (433 016) are integrated. They form the basic modul "Approaches to Organization Studies", which is the precondition for continuing the master-programme organization studies. This module is a 5 weeks intensive reading and w
Beginn: 05.10.2009
12.11.2009, 9 - 12.45, Besprechungsraum CONTROLLING 3. Stock Ost
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Mo 05.10.2009
16.00 - 18.45 HS 2 (Sowi) HS 2 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 06.10.2009
16.00 - 18.45 HS 2 (Sowi) HS 2 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 07.10.2009
16.00 - 18.45 HS 2 (Sowi) HS 2 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mo 19.10.2009
16.00 - 18.45 Besprechungsraum Marketing (Spitz) Besprechungsraum Marketing (Spitz) Barrierefrei
Di 20.10.2009
16.00 - 18.45 HS 2 (Sowi) HS 2 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 21.10.2009
16.00 - 18.45 HS 2 (Sowi) HS 2 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Fr 13.11.2009
13.00 - 14.00 SR 9 (Sowi) SR 9 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Prüfung Master