433028 Power and Organizations

Sommersemester 2007 | Stand: 11.07.2007 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Power and Organizations
SE 2
• Re-envisage the history of organization theory, the central role of power, and its institutionalization and non-institutionalization in the discipline • Introduce members of the seminar to neglected resources for institutional organization theory, notably contributions by Max Weber, Zygmunt Bauman, Erving Goffman and Michel Foucault • Provide a systematic account of power as a relational and institutional phenomenon • Engage with the state of insecurity, and its implications for power and organization, characterizing the combatants in the “War against Terror”
Implications of a Foucauldian analytics of power for the study of organizations Establish the importance of the work of Weber for any understanding of power in organizations. Elaborate Weber’s theory of rationality and the will to power. Elaborate Weber’s central concepts of domination and discipline. . Elaborate the curious absence of Goffman & Foucault and the concept of total institutions from most organization theories. Discuss some of the main substantive themes of critical management studies including power, ideology critique, postcolonial theory, and queer theory. Introduce discourse analysis as an important approach to the study of power in organizations Explain how the linguistic turn in philosophy led to the development of linguistically oriented approaches to the study of social phenomena. Discuss the development of discourse analysis as a method and a methodology. Characterize the model of analysis that is appropriate for a historically informed, narrative social science, such as organization theory. Demonstrate the importance for intellectual life of an ongoing dialog with human experience. Provide an analysis of present and forthcoming social tendencies affecting the nature of power as a concept and a practice, especially with respect to the post 9/11 expansion of anxiety, which has seen it expand from a concern with a risk society to a state of insecurity. Show how political and organization agendas are changing in tandem in the twenty-first century. Present frameworks with which to consider the futures of power as a concept and as a practice.
Semiararbeit/scientific paper (7000-8000 words) students are encouraged to propose a topic related to their research, to do little empirical work and also to work in small groups
wird in der Vorbesprechung am 6. März 17.30 bekanntgegeben.
Beginn: 06.03. 17.30 SR 8 (Vorbesprechung)
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Di 06.03.2007
17.30 - 18.15 SR 8 (Sowi) SR 8 (Sowi) Barrierefrei VB
Fr 27.04.2007
09.00 - 12.00 SR 11 (Sowi) SR 11 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Richard
Fr 04.05.2007
09.00 - 17.00 SR 11 (Sowi) SR 11 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Richard
Fr 15.06.2007
09.00 - 20.00 SR 11 (Sowi) SR 11 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Clegg
Mi 27.06.2007
16.00 - 18.00 SR 8 (Sowi) SR 8 (Sowi) Barrierefrei