434416 SE Management von Preis-, Zins- und Währungsrisiken

Wintersemester 2012/2013 | Stand: 17.04.2013 LV auf Merkliste setzen
SE Management von Preis-, Zins- und Währungsrisiken
SE 2
The crisis in the financial markets beginning in the middle of 2007 made obvious the importance of transparency, efficient regulation, supervision and risk management for financial institutions and stakeholders. Lately the Financial Stability Board has raised the awareness of systemic risk and shadow banking. New legislation is aiming to increase investor protection.
The seminar will analyse and provide insight into the recent measures taken to improve the functioning of financial markets, reduce systemic risks and strengthen the role of supervisory authorities. Seminar participants will gain an understanding of the implications of a number of recent measures taken by IOSCO, ESMA, FSB and the European Commission.
Interaktive Erarbeitung der wesentlichen Inhalte/Interactive development of main results
Written seminar paper, Oral presentation
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine, Michael Lewis, ISBN 0-393-07223-1 FSB: Publications/Shadow Banking IOSCO Library Public/MMF/CR07/12 IOSCO Securities Market Risk Outlook 2012 (Internal) EU Commission, Barnier, Shining a light on shadow banking ESMA: 2012/406, 28/06/2012 201/117, 23/02/2012 2012/44, 30/01/2012 2011/270, 23/08/2011 2011/220, 22/07/2011 10-1253, 18/11/2010 10-530, 20/07/2010 The Long-term Outlook for the European Project and the Single Currency: Group of Thirty, Washington DC, OP 84
Anmeldungsvoraussetzungen für die Lehrveranstaltungen des Moduls: positive Beurteilung der Pflichtmodule gemäß § 7 Abs. 2 Z 3 und 4 Management von Banken und Finanzinstitutionen sowie Unternehmensfinanzierung und Risikomanagement
Beginn: 7.12.2012
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Fr 07.12.2012
14.00 - 17.45 SR 17 (Sowi) SR 17 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Fr 14.12.2012
14.00 - 17.45 SR 5 (Sowi) SR 5 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Sa 15.12.2012
09.00 - 12.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Fr 11.01.2013
14.00 - 17.45 SR 5 (Sowi) SR 5 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Sa 12.01.2013
09.00 - 12.45 SR 19 (Sowi) SR 19 (Sowi) Barrierefrei