434455 VO International Management: International Marketing
Sommersemester 2022 | Stand: 17.01.2022 | LV auf Merkliste setzenIt is the aim of the course to facilitate the students knowledge and understanding of terms, theories and business models which can be applied in describing, researching and solving concrete problem issues for companies on the industrial market (B2B). Furthermore it is the aim, that the student is acquiring skills in selecting and applying these, as well as skills in arguing for solutions addressing problem issues, so that the student acquire competence in handling complex situations, on behalf of companies in the industrial market on a planning level.
It is the objective that the student can:
· Identify, describe, explain and analyze concrete problem issues for companies on the industrial market
· Select, discuss and apply models and theories to found solutions for companies in domestic and international industrial markets
Companies relations with other companies (customers, suppliers and partners) in domestic as well as international markets is increasingly contributing to the industrial countries BNP. Therefore, it is necessary to aquire a basic understanding of these companies in order to create international growth.
The course will deal with relations and relation development, industrial buyer behaviour, segmentation of industrial markets, sourcing, internationalization theory and design of international marketing channels.
Blended learning course - presence class with online & self study periods.
Written assignments, group work and presentations and written final exam.
Business Marketing Management: B2B, Hutt & Speh 11 ed. Thomson/South-Western 2013/2010
Selected readings from:
Global Marketing, - Part III “Market Entry Strategies”, Hollensen, 5 ed. Prentice Hall 2011,
Only for IWW students who have already completed their compulsory year abroad and ERASMUS exchange students - English language knowledge at a very high level !!
Blended learning course !! (online & presence in class)
Tue, March 8th 2022 - 11.00 am - HS 1 - 1st session compulsory !!
- SDG 4 - Hochwertige Bildung: Inklusive, gleichberechtigte und hochwertige Bildung gewährleisten und Möglichkeiten lebenslangen Lernens für alle fördern
- SDG 8 - Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum: Dauerhaftes, breitenwirksames und nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum, produktive Vollbeschäftigung und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle fördern
- SDG 10 - Weniger Ungleichheiten: Ungleichheit in und zwischen Ländern verringern
- SDG 12 - Verantwortungsvolle Konsum- und Produktionsmuster: Nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster sicherstellen
- SDG 16 - Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und starke Institutionen: Friedliche und inklusive Gesellschaften für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung fördern, allen Menschen Zugang zur Justiz ermöglichen und leistungsfähige, rechenschaftspflichtige und inklusive Institutionen auf allen Ebenen aufbauen