436216 PS Strategie-, Informations- und Wertkreationsprozesse

Sommersemester 2013 | Stand: 10.07.2013 LV auf Merkliste setzen
PS Strategie-, Informations- und Wertkreationsprozesse
PS 2
Prerequisites: you need "Strategy and Marketing" and 4 other basic course Profound knowledge in statistics is required.
Students will learn how to develop a marketing strategy, how to evaluate product protfolios, develop new products, manage a brand, and how to derive important strategic decisions for marketing action. Marketing research and phsychological theories will support and complement strategic marketing thinking. Students will aslo learn how to apply their knowledge in practice.
The marketing strateg process Position and positioning Market research methods for strategy development New product development and innovation Elimination and modification of products Contemporary perspectives of brands and brand management
We employ the active learning model, consisting of: Group work, talking to marketing managers, case studies, project work, in-class reflections and discussions
Exams, group reports, and active class participation
Marketing-Literature: Dubois, P.-L., Mühlbacher, H., Jolibert, A. (2007) Marketing Management – A Value-creation Process, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Chapter 1-4 (ohne Toolboxes) Statistic-Literature: Malhotra, N. (2004). Marketing Research - An Applied Orientation, 4th Edition. Pearson Education International. Chapter 15 (pp. 424-465), Chapter 16 (pp. 466-493), Chapter 17 (pp. 494-531) The literature is already in the secretariat or in the Studia as a master copy.
Prerequisites: you need "Strategy and Marketing" and 4 other basic course Profound knowledge in statistics is required. A positive grade in the first exam including statistics is mandatory! Tutorial in Statistics is offered! 01.03.2013 im HS3 09:00-11:00 Uhr * ALLE (Theorie) 01.03.2013 im U2 11:15-14:15 Uhr * Gruppe 1 (PC) 14:15-17:15 Uhr * Gruppe 2 (PC) 17:15-20:15 Uhr * Gruppe 3 (PC) Zuerst soll Gruppe 1 und 2 gefüllt werden!!! 02.03.2013 im HS3 09:00-15:00 Uhr * ALLE (Theorie) Please register in the office "Marketing"! EURO 35,00
Beginn: VB am Di, 05.03.2013, 08:30-10:30, SR 12
siehe Termine
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Di 05.03.2013
08.30 - 10.30 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Vorbesprechung M1
Fr 15.03.2013
10.00 - 12.00 HS 2 (Sowi) HS 2 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Eingangsklausur GK Marketing + GK Marketing-Handel
Di 19.03.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 09.04.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 16.04.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 23.04.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 30.04.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 07.05.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 14.05.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 21.05.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 11.06.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 18.06.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 25.06.2013
08.30 - 12.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Fr 28.06.2013
09.00 - 11.00 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Final Exam