436345 VU Freizeit-, Dienstleistungs- und Tourismus-Forschung

Wintersemester 2009/2010 | Stand: 06.04.2010 LV auf Merkliste setzen
VU Freizeit-, Dienstleistungs- und Tourismus-Forschung
VU 2
Students learn how to develop a tourism research project in terms of designing the research, implementing the right instruments and interpreting the results. The course helps to prepare the Master thesis research design.
Research techniques in Tourism and Leisure; New and up-to-date research fields with high industry relevance.
Presentations, excurision, field research.
Instruction, case studies, project work, reading assignments, student presentations, guest speakers, excursion
see E-campus
Part of the Major Tourism and Leisure Management
Beginn: Di. 20.10.09, 09.00 Uhr, SR 7
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Do 15.10.2009
09.00 - 12.45 SR 7 (Sowi) SR 7 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 20.10.2009
09.00 - 12.45 SR 7 (Sowi) SR 7 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 20.10.2009
14.00 - 17.45 SR 7 (Sowi) SR 7 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 21.10.2009
09.00 - 12.45 SR 7 (Sowi) SR 7 (Sowi) Barrierefrei