436352 SE Unternehmerische Prozesse

Wintersemester 2011/2012 | Stand: 15.02.2012 LV auf Merkliste setzen
SE Unternehmerische Prozesse
SE 2
Students learn how to install, lead and maintain innovation processes inside business organizations as well as in their networks of stakeholders. They acquire knowledge and skills on how to develop a business idea and to transform it into an entrepreneurial venture. Further, students get some hands on experience how to develop new products and services. The main purpose of the course is to provide knowledge about entrepreneurship and innovation in established as well as recently started firms. There will be a special emphasis on Identifying business opportunities, resource allocation, development and commercialization of business opportunities. The course  includes analysis and practical problem solving concerning different trouble areas present in the entrepreneurial process or the innovation process, which is introduced with theories and models within that field. Upon completion of the course the student is expected to: • Recognize and understand general theories in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation • Be able to explain the importance of entrepreneurship and innovation in society. • Understand the difference between an entrepreneurial and managerial processes • Identify and assess entrepreneurial and innovation processes within a company. • Critically evaluate aspects of entrepreneurial and innovation processes • Take responsibility for the self learning process
Small Business and Entrepreneurship; Enterprise Growth hurdles; Understanding Innovation; The Innovation Process; Corporate Entrepreneurship; Creating New Business Opportunities; Business Planning.
Case studies and mini projects, which are prepared individually or in groups not only demand the students´ ability to integrate acquired knowledge and handle complexity. Students also need to search for additional information and to formulate judgments with incomplete or limited information. Problem detection and formulation, the selection of relevant data sources and data as well as innovative reasoning in the search for problem solutions are trained. The presentation of material enhances the communications skills of the students who receive feedback by their lecturers and peers.
Group project; Individual Paper Presentation; Class participation; Exam.
Will be provided on Ecampus!
Beginn: Sa. 12.11.11, 14.00 Uhr, SR 16
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Sa 12.11.2011
14.00 - 17.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 15.11.2011
09.00 - 12.45 SR 8 (Sowi) SR 8 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 23.11.2011
14.00 - 17.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mo 28.11.2011
10.30 - 12.00 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 30.11.2011
09.00 - 12.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei