436361 SE Tourismusplanung und -entwicklung

Wintersemester 2010/2011 | Stand: 18.02.2011 LV auf Merkliste setzen
SE Tourismusplanung und -entwicklung
SE 2
Based on service theory the students gain in-depth insights into the structure and development of leisure and tourism markets as well as the conduct and performance of leisure and tourism firms. They are able to plan, develop and finance tourism projects on the firm and tourism destination levels. Students recognize the barriers to tourism development. They carefully consider the economic and political aspects of tourism planning and development with a special focus on the management of co-operations and stakeholder relationships. The students improve their ability to assess, select and apply analytical tools. They enhance their problem solving and decision making capabilities as individuals as well as in the role of team members. Communication and presentation skills are trained. Students can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rational underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Contents: 1. The economic impact of tourism and leisure industries 2. Tourism components and supply 3. The tourism planning and development process 4. The strategy development process 5. The role of tourism policies and destination stakeholders 6. Planning methods 7. Financing tourism projects 8. Tourism sustainability 9. Implementing the plan: from creation to commercialisation
Instruction, mini projects, reading assignments, student presentations, guest lecturers/speakers.Knowledge is gained by individually studying assigned literature as preparation for in class discussion. Information inputs are also given through short lectures during contact hours. The content of those inputs is illustrated by examples and cases and is intensively discussed in the plenary. Mini projects, which are prepared individually or in groups not only demand the students’ ability to integrate acquired knowledge. Students also need to search for and select relevant data sources and data. The presentation of material analyzed and condensed in a self-directed manner enhances the communication skills of the students who receive intensive feedback by their teachers and peers. Beside the ability to critically reflect concepts, tools, and values underlying research decisions social competencies are trained in study groups during the entire module.
Written exams, individual and group assignments, class participation
to be announced
Beginn: Do. 28.10.10, 08.00 Uhr, SR 13
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Do 28.10.2010
08.00 - 11.45 SR 13 (Sowi) SR 13 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Do 28.10.2010
17.00 - 18.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Fr 29.10.2010
09.00 - 12.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Fr 29.10.2010
14.00 - 17.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Sa 30.10.2010
09.00 - 12.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Sa 30.10.2010
14.00 - 17.45 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei