519148 Klinische Grundlagen der Neurowissenschaften (KF)

Wintersemester 2005/2006 | Stand: 20.05.2005 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Klinische Grundlagen der Neurowissenschaften (KF)
VO 2
keine Angabe
introduction to clinical neurosciences
basic neuropathology basic neuroimaging – MRI, Spect, PET neuro- and psychopharmacology: different neurotransmitter systems and their anatomical orientation in the peripheral and central nervous system; overview of experimental strategies, methods and animal models in neuro/psychopharmacology; synapse functions and drug targets; the concept of co-transmission; catecholamines: biosynthesis, metabolism and receptors; dopamine receptors: pathophysiology and target for drugs in neurological/psychiatric diseases; serotonin receptors and functions; GABA and glutamate: anatomy and biochemistry; concepts of ligand operated ion channels, metabotropic receptors and excitotoxicity clinical neurophysiology and epilepsy - neurobiology and clinical manifestations neurodegenerative diseases – neurobiology and clinical manifestations cognitive neurology and neuropsychology neurobiology of sleep cerebral ischemia and stroke neurological intensive care medicine: traumatic brain injury, SAH, CNS infections-meningitis and encephalitis neuroimmunological diseases – pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis diseases of the peripheral nervous system neurooncology – tumors of the central nervous system dementia psychosis addiction affective disorders
Beginn: Wintersemester 2005/2006
jeden Mittwoch von 17-18.30 Uhr, MZA: G2 Nord.