531100 Image guided procedures I, II & III, Teil 2 (KF)

Sommersemester 2007 | Stand: 06.12.2006 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Image guided procedures I, II & III, Teil 2 (KF)
VU 1
Part three of the cycle of lectures. Basic features with relevance to the application in endoscope- or microscope-guided intraoperative 3D-navigation will be presented to as some primer ("Navigation 101") of surgical / technical / physical knowledge. Hands-on experience with various implementations of navigation will be gained. The participants will have a basic understanding of 3D-navigation.
Presentation of basic technological basis of physics, mathematics, imaging, image reconstruction, position sensing, implementations of 3D-digitizers, basics of augmented reality and the underlying principles.
Interactive course, with state-of-the art learning modules (e-learning and blended form) problem oriented. The lecture is expands the student´s knowldedge by induvidual action-driven models, problem-oriented parts and positive feedback modules, exploiting individual solutions of "simple" Gedanken-experimen-like problems.
will be handed out at the beginning.
Limited number of participants!
Beginn: Teil III: Vorbespr. 5. 10., 15 Uhr. Bibliothek HNO
Teil III: Vorbesprechung am 5. 10. 2006, Teil III: Bibliothek HNO