610003 Contextualizing the Reading List

Wintersemester 2006/2007 | Stand: 30.01.2007 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Contextualizing the Reading List
AG 2
This course is meant to help students prepare for the reading list exam. It will give a survey of various cultural developments (e.g. Puritanism, American Transcendentalism, the Lost Generation, etc.) and offer strategies as to how to deal with the poetry part. Topics to be discussed will be chosen together in the first session. Every student is expected to do a presentation on one topic and prepare a handout.
Die Lehrveranstaltung endet mit 12. Dezember 2006. Die fehlenden Stunden werden wie angekündigt eingebracht.
Beginn: 10.10.2006
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Di 10.10.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 17.10.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 24.10.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 31.10.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 07.11.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 14.11.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 21.11.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 28.11.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 05.12.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR
Di 12.12.2006
08.15 - 10.00 40105 SR 40105 SR