610007 Voices and Titles in Fiction Film

Wintersemester 2007/2008 | Stand: 17.10.2008 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Voices and Titles in Fiction Film
PS 2
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to become familiar with cinematic narrative techniques as well as major developments in American film history, to achieve proficiency in film analysis and to develop interpretative skills.
This course will focus on voice-overs, intertitles, and subtitles as verbal devices that help to convey stories in fiction film. The soundtrack of a narrating voice-over like the insertion or superimposition of written texts are narrative techniques that appear to be separate from the storyworld enacted by actors. Analyzing various forms and functions of voice-overs, intertitles, and subtitles, we will investigate their intricate relations to the world of action presented on the screen. In sample analyses of a wide historical selection of films, ranging from D.W. Griffith’s _Broken Blossoms_ (1919) to Marc Forster’s _Stranger Than Fiction_ (2006), we will study conventions of using voices and titles in films as well as innovative and startling instances of breaking such conventions.
Introductory lecture input, oral presentations, film analysis and discussions
Active participation, oral presentation; analysis of a short film sequence, research paper (10-15 pages)
Recommended introductory reading: Bordwell, David. _Narration in the Fiction Film_. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
Students must have passed the "Introduction to American Literature and Culture" to attend this course
Beginn: 30.10.2007
Di, 30.10.07, 13.30-17.30 Uhr, 40332 (Commonroom), 3.Stock GEIWI
Fr, 11.01.08, 14-17 Uhr, 40332 (Commonroom), 3.Stock GEIWI
Sa, 12.01.08, 10-13 Uhr und 14-17 Uhr, 40332 (Commonroom), 3.Stock GEIWI
Fr, 18.01.08, 14-17 Uhr, 40332 (Commonroom), 3.Stock GEIWI
Sa, 19.01.08, 10-13 Uhr und 14-17 Uhr, 40332 (Commonroom), 3.Stock GEIWI