610013 Film Studies: Alfred & His Successors: à la Hitchcock

Wintersemester 2002/2003 | Stand: 07.06.2002 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Dr. Sonja Bahn Dr. Sonja Bahn, +43 512 507 4173
Film Studies: Alfred & His Successors: à la Hitchcock
PS 2
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To study the significance of this British-born Hollywood auteur filmmaker; to investigate his suspense and other filmic techniques; to analyse the films for their audience manipulation, and to discuss subsequent filmmakers who imitated, remade or were influenced by him
Projects with presentation, film analysis, discussion, paper or film
written and oral
Anglistik/Amerikanistik students must have passed the "Introduction to American Literature and Culture" to attend this course.
Beginn: 9.10.2002
Mi 13.00-15.00, 40204