610018 American Literature: American Individualism in Literature and Film

Wintersemester 2010/2011 | Stand: 03.02.2011 LV auf Merkliste setzen
American Literature: American Individualism in Literature and Film
PS 2
keine Angabe
The history of the U.S. abounds with myths and themes. Very prominent among these is the concept of American individualism, which this course will focus on. Following a preliminary discussion of the roots of American individualism, students will be asked to trace its development in the course of U.S. history by examining various texts and discussing what changes this particular idea has undergone. As individualism is both a philosophical concept and a significant element of American self-perception, the course will offer a wide range of texts for students to choose from, including theoretical treatments of the subject by Ralph Waldo Emerson or Henry David Thoreau, for example, but also novels (Fitzgerald, Chopin), short stories (e.g. Vonnegut), works of drama (e.g. Rice), and also cinematographic sources taken from the Western and other genres. The variety of texts available for discussion will enable participants to balance romanticized and sobering views on the course topic to arrive at a more elaborate understanding of American individualism.
Introduction to the topic, discussion, presentation of papers
Active participation, written papers, presentation of papers in class
Provided at the beginning of the semester
Anmeldungsvoraussetzung/en im BA: positive Beurteilung der Pflichtmodule 3 und 16 Entspricht im Diplomstudium (343): PS2: American Literature Entspricht im Lehramtsstudium (344): PS2: American Literature
Beginn: 19.11.2010
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Mo 04.10.2010
15.30 - 17.00 50109/3 SR 50109/3 SR Barrierefrei
Fr 19.11.2010
09.00 - 12.00 4DG12 4DG12
Fr 19.11.2010
14.00 - 17.00 4DG12 4DG12
Sa 20.11.2010
09.00 - 12.00 4DG12 4DG12
Sa 20.11.2010
14.00 - 17.00 4DG12 4DG12
Fr 14.01.2011
09.00 - 12.00 4DG12 4DG12
Fr 14.01.2011
14.00 - 17.00 4DG12 4DG12
Sa 15.01.2011
09.00 - 12.00 4DG12 4DG12
Sa 15.01.2011
14.00 - 17.00 4DG12 4DG12