613136 Sprachen und Kulturen im Vergleich: Englisch

Sommersemester 2015 | Stand: 24.11.2014 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Sprachen und Kulturen im Vergleich: Englisch
UE 2
For students to attain a better understanding of different 'Englishes' that exist around the world, to gain critical awareness of key aspects of interculturalism and multiculturalism To consider the future of English as we know it. To consider how English affects culture.To learn about different cultures/countries where English is spoken. To analyze critically basic principles of intercultural competence and gain working skills in this area.
Students to consider their own culture and language. Students to look at the language and culture of a range of different countries. Students to look at the use of English around the world - a case study on Asia. Analyzing models of interculture (eg. Culture Iceberg, etc.), stereotypes & cliches, 'the Other', Orientalism, alien nation as 'alienation' (?). Drama texts (eg. 'Translations', B. Friel), films (eg. 'Ae Fond Kiss'), novels (eg. 'Buddha of Suburbia', 'Brick Lane', 'Small Island')
Discussion, podcasts, presentations and written responses to articles. Regular assignments. One film review. One book review.
Mid-term and end of term exam (Gr. 0) Dossier of assignments (Gr.1) JACKSON AND SKINNER
Ethnic Diversity in the UK - An Imagined Community? (ed.) M. Mitchell (Langenscheidt 2008: ISBN 978-3-526-51066-6)
Studienplan 2001: Englisch E DIESER KURS MUSS GEMEINSAM MIT 613135 BESUCHT WERDEN, DA ER INSGESAMT 4-STÜNDIG IST!! Only students who have completed and passed English III are advised to take this course.
Beginn: Semesterbeginn
wird bekannt gegeben
Gruppe 1
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Di 03.03.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 10.03.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 17.03.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 24.03.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 14.04.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 21.04.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 28.04.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 05.05.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 12.05.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 19.05.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 26.05.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 02.06.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 09.06.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 16.06.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.
Di 23.06.2015
12.00 - 13.30 SR 1 Transl. SR 1 Transl.