645318 Außereuropäische Geschichte II: Islam

Wintersemester 2009/2010 | Stand: 21.06.2023 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Außereuropäische Geschichte II: Islam
VU 2
keine Angabe
Assessment of historical situations should help us better understand the pre-modern and modern Islamic societies
This course will explore a brief history of the rise of Islam as a major world religion and early events in the Islamic world. The focus will also be on deep aspects of culture, politics, ethnicity and socioeconomic dimen-sions of Islamic societies. The tenets of Islam will be examined in light of gender issues as well as an investi-gation of different cultural, political and sectarian categories. The Golden Age and the rise of high culture with achievements in science, philosophy and literature are also central themes of this course.
Books and copies will be provided at the beginning of the semester
Online-Anmeldungen ab 15.9.2009 erforderlich! Anmeldevoraussetzungen: BA (603) = positive Beurteilung des Pflichtmoduls 1; c312 und c312 = keine
Beginn: 6.10.2009
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Di 06.10.2009
12.00 - 16.00 SR Josef-Hirn-Straße SR Josef-Hirn-Straße Barrierefrei
Di 13.10.2009
12.00 - 16.00 SR Josef-Hirn-Straße SR Josef-Hirn-Straße Barrierefrei
Di 20.10.2009
12.00 - 16.00 SR Josef-Hirn-Straße SR Josef-Hirn-Straße Barrierefrei
Di 27.10.2009
12.00 - 16.00 SR Josef-Hirn-Straße SR Josef-Hirn-Straße Barrierefrei
Di 03.11.2009
12.00 - 16.00 SR Josef-Hirn-Straße SR Josef-Hirn-Straße Barrierefrei
Di 10.11.2009
12.00 - 16.00 SR Josef-Hirn-Straße SR Josef-Hirn-Straße Barrierefrei