705828 VU Weiterführende Quantenphysik: Theorie komplexer adaptiver Systeme

Sommersemester 2025 | Stand: 20.11.2024 LV auf Merkliste setzen
VU Weiterführende Quantenphysik: Theorie komplexer adaptiver Systeme
VU 3

The aim is to understand the concepts and models introduced in the course, with applications to the modelling of complex adaptive systems.

The target audience consists of interested and motivated students from advanced Bachelor, Master and PhD studies.

This course is concerned with systems which are equipped with memory and which interact with their environment through a percept-action loop - referred to as complex adaptive systems (examples include biological life and artificial intelligence systems). This is an interdisciplinary course on the theoretical modelling of informational aspects of such complex adaptive systems.

The first part of this course focuses on a selection of information-theoretic tools and models including Markov processes and hidden Markov models, finite state machines, communication channels, causal models, and the free energy principle.

The second part of this course covers topics from two branches of physics, thermodynamics of information and quantum information, to investigate fundamental physical aspects and limitations of such systems.

Lectures with exercises.

Will be discussed in the first lecture.

This course (705828) is also listed as 705829. The course will probably take place Wednesday 9am to 11:30am, the calendar (previously Thursday) will be updated.

Gruppe Anmeldefrist
705828-1 01.02.2025 08:00 - 21.02.2025 23:59