705840 VU Many-Body Physics I: Advanced Statistical Physics I
winter semester 2022/2023 | Last update: 13.10.2022 | Place course on memo listThe students will master concepts of Advanced Statistical Physics.
The motion of mesosized particles in suspension is neither described by quantum mechanics nor by Newtonian dynamics. Rather their motion is erratic and driven by the many collisions with the much smaller solvent molecules as first recognized by Einstein. In this lecture we will elaborate the physical and mathematical foundations of Brownian motion and discuss various applications. The lecture will include
1. The discovery of Brownian motion
2. Langevin equation and stochastic differential equations for single trajectories
3. Fokker-Planck equation for the ensemble of trajectories
4. Fluctuation-dissipation theorems
5. First-passage time problems
6. Stochastic Thermodynamics.
Regular participation in lectures and tutorials. Final oral exam and pragramming project
Lecture notes and videos (will be available on OLAT)
Solid knowledge on Statistical Physics at Bachelor level
The VU includes lectures as well as tutorials. This Part 1 is 6h per week until end of November. Part II then covers the rest of the semester. Students can participate only in Part 1.
This class is valid for the specialisations many-body physics, computational physics, and quantum sciences. Please register only here.
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