707261 Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Niederschlagsmessung mit Radar

Wintersemester 2003/2004 | Stand: 16.02.2004 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Niederschlagsmessung mit Radar
VO 1
keine Angabe
keine Angabe
To find a realistic compromise for using today's weather radars between the two extreme reactions of users: Some expect miracles, others propose not to use radar at all, because they are disappointed by the errors encountered.
For several applications, including flood warning, we would like to get detailed information on precipitation (in realtime, county-wide and with high-resolution). The lecture discusses ways to making the best use of the three operational weather radars in Switzerland. It gives an introduction into instrumentation and procedures for adjusting the radar data to the ground truth (such as rain gauges and disdrometers). I will try to objectively summarise possibilities and limitations of the various ways proposed today for getting and analysing radar data and discusse problems associated with the estimation of rainfall fields in space and time in an Alpine region.
Beginn: nach Vorbesprechung
n.V., SR Inst.