707702 Atmosphärische Strahlungsprozesse und Fernerkundung
Wintersemester 2016/2017 | Stand: 17.01.2017 | LV auf Merkliste setzen707702
Atmosphärische Strahlungsprozesse und Fernerkundung
VU 3
To understand physical processes of solar (short-wave)- and terretrial (long-wave) radiation in the atmosphere and earth's surface layers (vegetation, soil, water, snow and ice), that can be integrated in models after simplification.
Definitions of basic concepts in radiation and radiation laws; the sun and its variability;earth's orbital effect on solar radiation; scattering processes in the atmosphere; absorption of solar radiation in the atmosphere and earth's surface layers; albedo; emission and absorption of terrestrial radiation; clouds and radiation; methods for irradiance computation for solar and terrestrial radiation (line-by line and continuum), narrow absorption band models, broad band models, empirical methods); radiometrical methods; radiation in the climate system; radiation as a cause for climate changes.
Vorlesung und Heimaufgaben (Uebung)
Wird im Rahmen der ersten Lehrveranstaltung besprochen.
- Fakultät für Geo- und Atmosphärenwissenschaften
Gruppe 0
Datum | Uhrzeit | Ort | ||
Do 06.10.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 13.10.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 20.10.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 27.10.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 03.11.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 10.11.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 17.11.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 24.11.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 01.12.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 15.12.2016
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 12.01.2017
15.15 - 17.30 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 19.01.2017
15.15 - 17.30 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei | |
Do 26.01.2017
15.30 - 18.15 | 60818 EDV-Raum 60818 EDV-Raum | Barrierefrei | Prüfung |
Do 02.02.2017
15.45 - 18.00 | 60819 SR 60819 SR | Barrierefrei |