715051 EX Geowissenschaftliche Exkursion (2 Gruppen)

Wintersemester 2024/2025 | Stand: 19.09.2024 LV auf Merkliste setzen
EX Geowissenschaftliche Exkursion (2 Gruppen)
EX 3

the students have acquired advanced knowledge in the fields of geology, mineralogy and petrology based on selected regional examples and can place them in a larger geoscientific context.



During this excursion, several world-famous localities on the geolocially active island of Taiwan, based on which benchmark research has been established to advance our understanding of mountain building and earth surfaces processes will be visited and studied by hands-on excercises in the field

Field excursion visiting outcrops well-described in the literature

on-site oral reports during the excursion and written reports thereafter

will be informed


14 days Excursion (10-24 February 2025) (plust individual 2-3 days travels between Innsbruck, Taipei and back to Innsbruck

wird bekannt gegeben
08.02.-25.02.2025, Taiwan
Gruppe Anmeldefrist
715051-1 01.06.2024 00:00 - 21.09.2024 23:59
Moernaut J., Patten C., Strasser M.