718042 Techniques in Microbial Ecology

Sommersemester 2007 | Stand: 10.05.2011 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Techniques in Microbial Ecology
SE 1
Verstehen von Primärliteratur Kennenlernen von Techniken aus der Mikrobiellen Ökologie Anwendung dieser Techniken in verschiedenen Habitaten Verbesserung der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikation und Vortragstechnik in englischer Sprache
The course focuses on modern techniques in the rapidly expanding field of microbial ecology.
Five topics will be covered:
  1. Bacterial enumeration and isolation
  2. Determination of microbial biomass
  3. Determination of microbial activity
  4. Characterization of microbial communities
  5. Decomposition of organic matter
The course will be held in 5 blocks (one for each topic), 3 h each.
Students will be assigned a scientific paper from each of the above topics and will be expected to deliver a 5-7 min presentation on the most important facets. The papers will cover the most recent and most widely used techniques of each topic area. After each student's presentation, time is alotted for discussion.
One specific habitat (e.g. agricultural soil, forest soil, alpine ski runs, a river sediment, water from an alpine stream, compost substrate, a food product, animal guts etc....) will be chosen by each student for the duration of the course. At the end of the course, students will have to submit a table outlining how each of these techniques presented may, or may not, be used in 'their' habitat and what possible advantages/ disadvantages are to be expected.
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Beginn: 30.Mai
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Do 24.05.2007
10.15 - 10.45 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Do 24.05.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Mi 30.05.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Do 31.05.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Di 05.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 Besp.Zimmer 0/500 Besp.Zimmer 0/500 Barrierefrei
Mi 06.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Di 12.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 Besp.Zimmer 0/500 Besp.Zimmer 0/500 Barrierefrei
Mi 13.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Do 14.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Di 19.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 Besp.Zimmer 0/500 Besp.Zimmer 0/500 Barrierefrei
Mi 20.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Do 21.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Di 26.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Mi 27.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei
Do 28.06.2007
15.00 - 18.00 SR 0/501 SR 0/501 Barrierefrei