718837 UE Biogas

winter semester 2023/2024 | Last update: 05.12.2023 Place course on memo list
UE Biogas
UE 3

Students are able to develop a well structured experimental design and how to perform process monitoring. In addition, the lab course will give an insight into analysis, interpretation and correlation of comprehensive data sets (physico-chemical and microbiological parameters).

As part of this exercise, biogas, as an example of a renewable energy source, is being produced in laboratory reactors. The following questions are treated by the students:

• How is biogas produced from waste?
• Which process parameters influence the biogas yield?
• How do I conduct proper monitoring?
• Which process parameters correlate with each other?

Construction and maintenance of a reactor system in fed-batch mode
Quantification of the biogas production (gas yield and gas composition)
Determination of relevant physico-chemical process parameters (pH, DM/VS, volatile fatty acids, ammonium, etc.)
Plating experiment with selective agar plates to determine the hygienisation potential
Data analysis and interpretation

25% each:
• Test (about the content of the protocol)
• Cooperation during the lab course
• Presentation of results in the form of posters (1 poster per group)
• Summary of results in the form of an abstract (1 abstract per student)

The skript for the laboratory course will be available online in the OLAT system

Completed Bachelor's degree

ATTENTION! The laboratory course does not comprise two full weeks! Within these two weeks there will be five whole and two half exercise days. On the remaining days, one person per group will come to the laboratory to measure gas (about one hour).

Preliminary meeting: (The date for admission of the participants at the general preliminary meeting and course allocation - jointly for statistics/laboratory/proseminar): 02.10.23 2:30 p.m. (Master) in HS E.

see dates
Group 1
Hupfauf S., Klammsteiner T., Podmirseg S., Strobl S.
Date Time Location
Fri 2023-12-01
09.00 - 17.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Mon 2023-12-04
09.00 - 17.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Tue 2023-12-05
09.00 - 11.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Wed 2023-12-06
09.00 - 15.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Thu 2023-12-07
09.00 - 11.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Mon 2023-12-11
09.00 - 17.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Tue 2023-12-12
09.00 - 11.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Wed 2023-12-13
09.00 - 17.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Thu 2023-12-14
09.00 - 15.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Fri 2023-12-15
09.00 - 12.00 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Mikrobiol. - Praktikumsraum 2-15 Barrier-free
Group 2
Hupfauf S., Klammsteiner T., Podmirseg S., Strobl S.
Date Time Location
Fri 2024-01-19
09.00 - 11.00 HS B (Technik) HS B (Technik) Barrier-free Nachbesprechung