719031 Aquatische Fotobiologie (VO2 + UE1)

Sommersemester 2006 | Stand: 09.03.2011 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Aquatische Fotobiologie (VO2 + UE1)
VU 3
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This lecture addresses the multiple interactions of solar radiation with organisms and ecological processes. In particular, the environmental aspects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation (from the ozone depletion problematic to the negative and positive effects on organisms) are presented and discussed. The course which also includes practical work starts by giving a general introduction on the physics of light in the air and underwater, the interaction between dissolved organic matter and UV, evolutionary aspects (strategies to minimize UV damage), and finally discuss the effects of UV radiation at different organization levels (from molecular to ecosystem). Particular emphasis is given on synergistic and antagonistic effects of climate change.
Beginn: 01.03.2006
19. - 23.06.2006 jew. 09:00 - 18:00, PR Nord