740863 VO Biostatistik

Sommersemester 2024 | Stand: 06.09.2024 LV auf Merkliste setzen
VO Biostatistik
VO 2

The students can name and explain basic principles and methods of biostatistics. They know about the importance of careful statistical planning of clinical trials.

The students obtain insights regarding the practical work of a statistician in academics and in the pharmaceutical industry. The students will esteem the importance of applying statistical methods in the process of drug development.

Part 1: descriptive statistics and contingency tables, probability, correlation and regression, confidence intervals and significance testing, logistic regression, survival analysis, sample size estimation

Part 2: the role of statistics in drug development with a historical overview, design of clinical trials, randomization, blinding, measuring treatment effects, planning and reporting of trials, data collection. Special topics such as  multiplicity and interim analysis, missing data and intention-to-treat, dose finding studies, non-inferiority and equivalence trials, cross-over trials, multicenter trials, meta-analysis, pharmacogenetics and mendelian randomization

Lecture with interactive elements involving student participation, audience response systems, online handouts

written exam

The lecture will be divided into two parts: (1) Introduction to Biostatistics and (2) Statistical Issues in Drug Development

Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Mo 18.03.2024
13.00 - 17.00 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Hörsaal Histologie - MS5902308
Di 19.03.2024
13.00 - 17.00 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Hörsaal Histologie - MS5902308
Mi 20.03.2024
14.00 - 16.00 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Hörsaal Histologie - MS5902308
Do 21.03.2024
14.00 - 16.00 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Hörsaal Histologie - MS5902308
Mo 13.05.2024
13.30 - 17.30 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Hörsaal Histologie - MS5902308
Di 14.05.2024
13.30 - 17.30 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Hörsaal Histologie - MS5902308
Mi 22.05.2024
10.00 - 15.00 Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort Hörsaal Histologie - MS5902308 - Prüfung
Mo 16.09.2024
09.00 - 11.00 L.03.121 L.03.121 Sammelprüfung
Gruppe Anmeldefrist Prüfungsdatum
740863-0 11.07.2024 00:00 - 12.09.2024 23:59
09.00 Uhr
Falls jemand 2 od. mehrere Prüfungen am selben Tag hat, bitte um Angabe der Fächer, damit es zeitlich koordiniert werden kann.
Lamina C., Rufibach K., Ulmer H.