800861 EX Aurora on the go: Experiencing Europe in Brussels: Excursion
summer semester 2025 | Last update: 15.01.2025 | Place course on memo listUniv.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dirk Rupnow Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dirk Rupnow, +43 512 507 30120, +43 512 507 44007
After successfully completing the course, students can characterize selected institutions of the EU in Brussels. They can describe and apply interdisciplinary theoretical concepts like memory politics, coloniality and decolonization. They can articulate insights into notions of European culture, values and biases and evaluate the narratives of European identity and memory as well as the role of institutions like museums, memorials and education system therein. They can clearly describe issues in studying processes of constructing historical continuities, of nation building and of Europeanization. Students are furthermore able to question assumptions and identify relevant contexts. They can identify their own and others' assumptions and relevant contexts when presenting a position. Students are able to synthesize other perspectives (such as cultural, disciplinary and ethical positions) through the diverse student body when discussing global issues in understanding Europe.
The non-subject related learning outcomes have been formulated in accordance with the Aurora Competence Framework (LOUIS), which is based on the VALUE rubrics developed by the AAC&U.
We will spend 5 days in Brussels and experience and analyse institutions of the EU. With selected sites like the European Parliament with the visitor center Parlamentarium, the House of European History, the exhibition-center Experience Europe etc., we will examine institutions, self-representations, narratives and memory politics of the EU. Furthermore, we have the chance to meet with EU politicians and with the Committee of the Regions (CoR) to discuss civil society, regional and local interests in EU policymaking and decision-making. The topic of higher education will be discussed against the backdrop and with representatives from the European University Alliance Aurora. In order to contextualise and decentre these insights, we will further visit the AfricaMuseum and institutional dealings with colonial past.
Examining and discussing European institutions in an international group of students from all Aurora Universities will be an additional benefit of experiencing the EU with a comparative perspective!
introductory lectures, group discussion, literature review, student presentation, field visits
active collaboration, essay, mandatory short term mobility
Bickerton, Chris (2016). The European Union: A Citizen's Guide. Pelican Books London.
Corbett, Richard and Francis B. Jacobs (2024). The European Parliament. London: John Harper Publishing. 10th edition.
Magazzini, Tina (2024). United in Diversity? Transnational Heritage in Europe and Southern Africa Between Memory and Anticolonialism, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 45:1, 93-110, DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2023.2290065
Perchock, Philippe (2017) Brussels: What European urban narrative?, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 25:3, 367-379, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2017.1351928
Settele, Veronika (2015). Including Exclusion in European Memory? Politics of Remembrance at the House of European History, Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 23:3, 405-416, DOI: 10.1080/14782804.2015.1018877
course registration see https://www.uibk.ac.at/en/international/aurora/aurora-course-offerings/universitat-innsbruck/
ranking criteria for course registration:
Criteria 1: Equal student distribution between the participating Aurora universities (3 students/university)
Criteria 2: Activities within the framework of Aurora, such as Student Ambassador
Criteria 3: First come first served
The introductory sessions will be on 7 March (10.15-11.45h) and 21 March (10.15-13h), the onsite visit in Brussels will take place from 7-11 April 2025.
This course is part of the Aurora European University Alliance educational offer and includes a mandatory embedded short-term mobility.
Course registration is open from 08.-21 January 25 under following URL: https://www.uibk.ac.at/en/international/aurora/aurora-course-offerings/universitat-innsbruck/
Information for students from Aurora partner universities of Universität Innsbruck: A confirmation of registration or the request to upload personal data for enrolment is not yet a final confirmation of admission; this will only be sent after the whole process has been completed respectively after clarification of any mobility funding (if necessary in coordination with the Aurora home university).
Participants are invited to take part in a BEVI survey (Beliefs, Events, and Values Invetory, thttps://hebevi.com). The online participation takes place before and after the course and requires about 2x30 min. A discussion of the BEVI group results will be offered on request, depending on the interest of the participants.
- Interdisciplinary and additional courses
- Aurora
- SDG 4 - Quality education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- SDG 5 - Gender equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
- SDG 10 - Reducing inequalities: Reduce income inequality within and among countries.
- SDG 16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Wed 2025-01-29
19.00 - 19.30 | eLecture - online eLecture - online | organisation of accommodation | |
Fri 2025-03-07
10.15 - 11.45 | eLecture - online eLecture - online | Introductory meeting | |
Fri 2025-03-21
10.15 - 13.00 | eLecture - online eLecture - online | ||
Mon 2025-04-07
08.00 - 22.00 | Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort | Brussels onsite | |
Tue 2025-04-08
08.00 - 22.00 | Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort | Brussels onsite | |
Wed 2025-04-09
08.00 - 22.00 | Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort | Brussels onsite | |
Thu 2025-04-10
08.00 - 22.00 | Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort | Brussels onsite | |
Fri 2025-04-11
08.00 - 22.00 | Auswärtiger Ort Auswärtiger Ort | Brussels onsite |