822136 PJ Entwerfen 3
Wintersemester 2022/2023 | Stand: 03.10.2022 | LV auf Merkliste setzenDott. Giacomo Pala Dott. Giacomo Pala, +43 512 507 64017
Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, integrative Entwurfs- und Planungsaufgaben zu bewältigen. Sie können selbstständig und in reflektierter Weise ein architektonisches Konzept formulieren, mit dem Diskurs in Verbindung setzen und in unterschiedlichen Maßstäben umsetzen. Sie verfügen über spezifisches Methodenwissen und Fertigkeiten zur Integration von ästhetischen, funktionellen, programmatischen, urbanen, typologischen, technischen und ökologischen Aspekten.
Stranger Realism(s)
Can architecture reimagine the reality it is part of? This is the question we will ask through design and its theory. In light of the current shifts in architectural theory towards ecology, as well as social and urban issues, we want to re-emphasise the close connection between architecture and its context. This relationship is encapsulated in the notion of realism, which students will confront and reiterate through a series of small- and large-scale exercises and interventions. the first semester will be limited to the scale of buildings and their specific contexts, through which we will study how the notion of Realism developed throughout history, from the early 20th century avant-garde until today; from its surreal counterpart, to its more political meaning. Through a range of different media—texts, models, images—we will study how architects (from Ivan Leonidov, to Aldo Rossi, from Lacaton & Vassal to the “dirty realists,” and even to those who are “speculative”) have been dealing with realism, expanding on the idea that architecture can construe and formalize a difference within and against commonly accepted habits, thus understanding the role of architecture on an urban scale. In the second semester, students will also investigate and reimagine fictional lands by making a model of one of those charted in Umberto Eco’s The Book of Legenderary Lands (from Utopia to Agartha, from Atlantis to Hyperborea), updated to contemporary discussions. An examination and reinvention of these legendary lands, and all they represent, will enable students to look at a complex idea with fresh eyes: realism at the largest scale.
Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung gemäß § 7 Satzungsteil, Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen.
Wird im Rahmen der ersten Lehrveranstaltung besprochen.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über ein Präferenzsystem, für das dazugehörige Fach SE Konzept und Methoden des Entwurfs ist keine gesonderte Anmeldung nötig, diese Anmeldung erfolgt automatisch.