825002 Entwerfen 2

Wintersemester 2011/2012 | Stand: 22.02.2012 LV auf Merkliste setzen
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EP 5
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“Field Operations: Area 012010” spannt sich inhaltlich zwischen dem Oberbegriff” Territories” und den Unterbegriffen ‚Fields‘ und terrains‘ auf und behandelt das aufspüren und arbeiten mit den jeweiligen field-conditions in der Area. „The streets no longer run between the facades, but between masses. Man has ‘urbanised’ by means of agriculture for centuries now, creating irrigation systems and planting crops in keeping with the laws of geometry. He has denaturalized natural spaces by planting natural elements. The spacing of the various trees and plants depends both on the size of the crop itself and on the harvesting systems used. Each crop produces its own texture and colour upon the territory. In mountainous terrain, slopes have been turned into finite elements by the construction of terraces. In harsh climates, greenhouses can be used to overcome the specific conditions of place with the creation of lightweight constructions containing microclimates imported from other latitudes. Agriculture is being industrialized. The landscape is being urbanized. The spectacle of the nature and that of the city are now comparable. Represented in this way, nature can be reconstructed by man. The world is turning into a habitable environment, into the city of 1,000 geographies…” Vicente Guallart in: “1,000 geographies (Quaderns nº 217)
Beginn: Semesterbeginn
Ersttermin: 12.10.2011, 10.00-12.00 Uhr, Institut
Weitere Termine: Mittwochs, 9.00-12.00 Uhr, Institut