825015 UE Städtebau

Sommersemester 2021 | Stand: 09.02.2021 LV auf Merkliste setzen
UE Städtebau
UE 2

Modernism has had recurrent trouble with the aesthetic problem of realism. The avant-garde tactics of the past century established a critical discourse directed against the naïve realism of traditional pictorial resemblance.

This was done by and large through an attack exposing latent assumptions and conventions regarding the relations between reality and representation. As important as many of these projects were, they ultimately all become projects that undermined reality in favor of a focused attention to the specificity of a medium. This practice of aesthetics as critique is beginning to shift due to an assortment of contemporary intellectual positions that seek to speculate directly on and with the objects of reality. As a loosely collected ensemble of philosophical, literary and art discourse; Speculative Realism, Object Oriented Ontology, Para-fiction, and Counterfactual History all direct attention to an aesthetic engagement with realism that does not assume that all resemblance is naive, nor that resistance lies only through critical exposé.

This discussion is of great importance for contemporary architecture and design. Architecture directly intervenes in the real world, yet the architect acts at a removed distance through mediations. The past two decades have seen a shift in the technologies of design mediation, producing a different set of representational problems for architecture. To draw attention to three pertinent issues. One; the creation and manipulation of a digital model as variable virtual object. Two; the rethinking of material assemblies through digital fabrication. Three; the image produced through photorealistic rendering and composite artistry. The discourse surrounding Speculative Realism offers a way in which these issues can be engaged in a provocative manner through an aesthetic of realism. A realism, that if not necessarily naive, often lies closer to “the strange”.

This one week workshop will proceed through the de-familiarization of a familiar everyday object with the goal of exploring the aesthetics of estrangement in realism. This is structured around three exercises. First is the questioning of the formal figure of the object through the techniques of the loss and gain of edge, aggregated self-intersection, and odd symmetry. The second exercise asks these new figures to take on material qualities and ornamental articulation that would further the object de-familiarization. The last exercise prompts each student to take a collection of these objects and begin to alter them in a relation to each other as a contemporary update of the 17th century Dutch Still Life. Both the environment and the objects may be manipulated in order to create a realism with the aesthetic qualities of estrangement.


Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung gemäß § 7 Satzungsteil, Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen

Wird im Rahmen der ersten Lehrveranstaltung besprochen.

Anmeldevoraussetzung/en: positiv beurteiltes Modul B07 "Entwerfen 1"

Diese Lehrveranstaltung und SE Hochbau Grundlagen wird im Rahmen Pflichtmodul 20 "Thematische Vertiefungen" (Curriculum 2019W) angeboten.

siehe Termine
siehe PM20 Thematische Vertiefungen, Curriculum 2019W