844412 Stochastische Strukturmechanik III

Sommersemester 2007 | Stand: 27.02.2007 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Stochastische Strukturmechanik III
VO 2
To give an introduction to the solution of non-linear problems in stochastic mechanics.
In a first part, an introduction will be be given to more classical methods to deal with non-linear problem in stochastic dynamics. Methods as Stochastic equivalent linearization, the Fokker-Planck equation and closure techniques will be introduced. In the second part, the focus will be on procedures based on Monte Carlo sampling.
Class notes will be provided. The content will be discussed at the blackboard. Occasionaly, available papers will be discussed und excercises made to enhance the understanding.
Dauer: 3h; Zusätzlich werden die Übungen und Hausaufgaben bei der Bewertung berücksichtigt.
Grigoriu: Random Vibration of mechanical and structural systems, but mainly articles from journals.
Beginn: 07.03.2006
Mi 10:15-11:45, Seminarraum Mechanik (6. Stock)