910671 ENROLMENT: Summer School Numerical Modelling (SS 2024)

Sommersemester 2024 | Stand: 07.05.2024 LV auf Merkliste setzen
ENROLMENT: Summer School Numerical Modelling (SS 2024)
KU 3
  • Introduction to finite element applications in geotechnical engineering
  • Getting to know different constitutive models and their calibration
  • Applications of different constitutive models on element tests
  • Modelling of boundary value problems
  • Influence of the plane strain simplification
  • Finding Mistakes

The knowledge of different constitutive models and their applications are state of the art in geotechnical design. After a general introduction to computational geotechnics and constitutive models, the participants will learn basics of Critical State Soil Mechanics. Tools for parameter calibration of selected constitutive models (elasto-plastic and hypoplastic constitutive models) will be introduced and complemented by simulations of element tests. The influence of the individual material parameters and the individual models is clearly visualized in the element tests. Based on this, the modeling of different boundary value problems with different models and different FE software packages is a main focus of the Summer School.

PLEASE NOTE: Participant fee - € 650,-

General Information for Course Registration:  


The participants have to take care of their insurances
(health, accident and liability insurance) themselves.
