702710 Innovative Integratoren (Exponentielle Integratoren, Splittingverfahren)

Wintersemester 2010/2011 | Stand: 03.03.2011 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Innovative Integratoren (Exponentielle Integratoren, Splittingverfahren)
VO 2
keine Angabe
Efficient time integration of evolution equations requires particular methods. For quite a long time, implicit and linearly implicit methods had been the methods of choice. These methods, however, require the solution of large systems of (non)linear equations which can be the bottleneck in computations. In recent years, exponential integrators have become an attractive alternative in many situations. In contrast to classical methods, exponential integrators make explicit use of the matrix exponential and related matrix functions. The lecture will be based on the recent review article in Acta Numerica. A smaller part of the lecture will be devoted to the theory and numerical analysis of splitting methods for ordinary differential equations. The lecture will be complemented by an exercise session.
M. Hochbruck, A. Ostermann: Exponential integrators, Acta Numerica 19, 209-286 (2010) E. Hairer, C. Lubich, G. Wanner: Geometric numerical integration. Springer Verlag, 2005.
Beginn: 04.10.2010
Gruppe 1
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Do 14.10.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 21.10.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 28.10.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 04.11.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 11.11.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 18.11.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 25.11.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 02.12.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 09.12.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 16.12.2010
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 13.01.2011
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 20.01.2011
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 27.01.2011
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei
Do 03.02.2011
08.30 - 10.00 HS C (Technik) HS C (Technik) Barrierefrei