436098 Exkursion SE Unternehmensgründung

Sommersemester 2012 | Stand: 29.08.2012 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Exkursion SE Unternehmensgründung
EX 1
“Entrepreneurship is creating and building something of value from practically nothing.” (Jeffrey Timmons) “Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs, the means by which they exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service”.(Peter Drucker) This course intends to provide an application-oriented approach to starting and running a business for aspiring students and future entrepreneurs. It takes the student through each phase of founding a real new business venture. The course combines some theoretical background with “trial and error” learning thought by experienced entrepreneurs with some academic skills. That means that this course does not teach entrepreneurship but give some practical guidelines how to build your own company considering the most important strategic issues involved in starting and maintaining a venture while providing students with the tools and mapped out process necessary to cultivate a new business venture. At the end of the course each student or group will present their business plan as well as their first hands-on experiences.
Exkursion - Firmenbesichtigung HYVE AG, München
Exkursion - Diskussion
Kaplan and Warren (2009) Patterns of Entrepreneurship Timmons (2004) Business Plans that Work.
Anmeldungsvoraussetzungen für die Lehrveranstaltungen des Moduls: positive Beurteilung der Pflichtmodule gemäß § 7 Abs. 2 Z 1, 2 und 3 Strategie und Leadership, Strategische Markenführung sowie Innovation und Entrepreneurship Requirements: ? Entrepreneurial spirit!! ? Desire to build your own company ? Own business idea welcome but not obligatory
Beginn: 14. Juni 2012
Unternehmensbesichtigung Hyve AG am Do. 14.06.2012, München