202918 Master-Course Metaphysics-Philosophy of Religion
summer semester 2013 | Last update: 21.11.2012 | Place course on memo list202918
Master-Course Metaphysics-Philosophy of Religion
SE 3
every 2nd year
Analysis and discussion of some ot the main issues in ontology
In this course we will concentrate on the mentioned issues in the context of the actual debates. The participants are invited to work against this background and to discuss the issues in the group
Analysis and discussion of the main articles in "The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics" (ed. M. Loux a. D. Zimmerman) 2005
Short writtten essays
"The Oxford Handbook of Metaphysics" (ed. M. Loux a. D. Zimmerman) 2005
Mo 9.00 - 11.45, SR I