436219 Exkursion PS Strategie-, Informations- und Wertkreationsprozesse (Handel)

Wintersemester 2013/2014 | Stand: 20.11.2013 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Exkursion PS Strategie-, Informations- und Wertkreationsprozesse (Handel)
EX 2
Prerequisites: You need "Strategy and Marketing" and 4 other basic courses. Profound knowledge in statistics is required.
The focus of this course is retail markets. The “goods” a retail company sells are not merely the articles in the assortment but the store itself with its store atmospherics and services. The combination of assortments and other store characteristics creates benefits for its customers. Students should learn what it needs to systematically develop and sustain attractive store brands for customers. This implies knowing how to gather information about what consumers perceive as valuable, how to translate this information into successful store concepts and how to design efficient retail marketing policies.
The world of Retailing Retail brand strategy Retail brand strategy Retail format and formula development Site selection Assortment planning Buying systems Merchandise presentation

group work, case studies, project work, learning journal, final exam

NO FIRST EXAM! group presentations, individual case study, class participation, final exam

Marketing-Literature: Dubois, P.-L., Mühlbacher, H., Jolibert, A. (2007) Marketing Management – A Value-creation Process, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan Chapter 1-4 (ohne Toolboxes) Statistic-Literature: Malhotra, N. (2004). Marketing Research - An Applied Orientation, 4th Edition. Pearson Education International. Chapter 15 (pp. 424-465), Chapter 16 (pp. 466-493), Chapter 17 (pp. 494-531) The literature is already in the secretariat or in the Studia as a master copy.

Prerequisites: you need "Strategy and Marketing" and 4 other basic course Profound knowledge in statistics is required.Tutorial in Statistics is offered!


Mittwoch, 02.10.2013 im HS I (Theologie)  

10:00-13:00 Uhr   ->ALLE (Theorie)

 (Vormittag -> ALLE, Nachmittag -> in der jeweiligen Gruppe)

Mittwoch, 02.10.2013 im ZID 2        

 14:00-16:00 Uhr -> (Computer Gruppe 1)

16:00-18:00 Uhr -> (Computer Gruppe 2)

18:00-20:00 Uhr -> (Computer Gruppe 3; falls erforderlich)

20:00-22:00 Uhr -> (Computer Gruppe 4; falls erforderlich)

Zuerst soll Gruppe 1 und 2 gefüllt werden!!!

Samstag, 05.10.2013 im HS 2 (SOWI)    09:00-16:45 Uhr       -> ALLE (Theorie)

 Kosten: € 35,-- (bei Anmeldung bitte bezahlen, 3. Stock, Sekretariat Marketing)

Mi, 18.12.2013; 12:30-18:00; Exkursion (mandatory!), Wetscher Wohngalerien & Zillertal Bier