618029 Art and Application: Communication and Clothing in Religious Art
winter semester 2013/2014 | Last update: 05.11.2013 | Place course on memo listExpanded knowledge and independent application of art-historical methods on examples referred to in the lecture
Expanded knowledge and independent application of art-historical methods on examples referred to in the lecture
Inhalt: Looking at the medieval depiction of saints one is still impressed by the fashionable figuration of the protagonists of these paintings. The dressed up saints present to us the narration of the bible in a previously unknown way. The saints are shown in a timeless stereotype form of their dress. This mode changes radically in the fifteenth century.
Judging from the artistic and literary evidence, the depiction of saints presents a new aspect of dress in religious communication. This lecture will present this new aspect and deals with the relationship between the general dressing style of the respective time period, the vestment of saints, as well as the development of presenting them in the fourteenth and fifteenth century. It is also intended to show the character of media communication between the images of saints and their patrons, in order to provide evidence and show the development of the dress code (vestment code) as a part of Iconology.
Presentations, discussions and written work
Ausst. Kat. Illuminating Fashion. Dress in the Art of Medieval France and the Netherlands, 1325-1515, New York 2011.
Ausst. Kat. Weiße Westen – Rote Roben. Von den Farbordnungen des Mittelalters zum individuellen Farbgeschmack, Berlin 1983.
Bönsch, Annemarie, Formengeschichte Europäischer Kleidung, Wien-Köln-Weimar, 2001.
Boucher, Francois und Yvonne Deslandres, 20.000 Years of Fashion. New York 1983.
Braun, Josef, Die priesterlichen Gewänder des Abendlandes nach ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung, Freiburg/Breisgau 1897 und Berlin 19883.
Geppert, Silke, Mittelalterliche Zeitmode im Heiligengewand. In: Ars Sacra. Kunstschätze des Mittelalters aus dem Salzburg Museum (Jahresschrift des Salzburg Museum, Band 53), Salzburg 2010, S. 131 – 138.
Geppert, Silke, Mode unter dem Kreuz. Kleiderkommunikation im christlichen Kult. Salzburg 2013
Liebreich, Aenne, Kostümgeschichtliches Studien zur Kölnischen Malerei des 14. Jahrhunderts. In: Jahrbuch für Kunstwissenschaft 1928, S. 56ff.
Scott, Margaret, Kleidung und Mode im Mittelalter, Darmstadt 2009.
Vavra, Elisabeth, Kleidung im Werk Michael Pachers – Realität und Fiktion. In: Michael Pacher und sein Kreis. Symposiumsbericht. Bruneck 1998, S. 95 -103.
Zitzlsperger, Philipp, Kostümkunde als Methode der Kunstgeschichte. In: Kritische Berichte. 34/1. 2006, S. 36-51.
Zitzlsperger, Philipp, Dürers Pelz und das Recht im Bild. Kleiderkunde als Methode der Kunstgeschichte, Berlin, 2008.
- Faculty of Humanities 1 (Philosophy and History)