930001 Gender Theories

winter semester 2013/2014 | Last update: 19.03.2014 Place course on memo list
Gender Theories
VO 2

This course is an introduction to theories and methods in gender studies. Students will gain an insight into the ways in which gender and sexualities shape identities and institutions, nations and economies, cultures and political systems. They will learn to analyze the constructions of gender and its re/production within society, politics, and the sciences from an interdisciplinary point of view.

Students will be encouraged to independent-minded, critical reflections on gender difference in intersection with other sorts of discrimination based on class, race, and sexuality.

This course is a comprehensive introduction to theories and methods in gender studies. It gives an overview over its historical development as well as an introduction to key concepts and questions.
Due to its inter- and transdisiplinary character of gender studies, we will draw on political science, history, philosophy, cultural studies, social sciences, economics, and natural science to study genders and sexualities as they intersect with race, ethnicity, class, and sexuality.

We will look at key concepts and at a spectrum of positions/conceptual relations such as sex/gender, body/nature, identity and alterity, equality and difference, gainful employment and family, capacity to act and reason in contemporary feminist theories and practices.
Gender as „analytical category“ serves as the point of departure to critically analyze discrimination and hierarchies resulting from the different roles assigned to women and men in the sciences and in society. We will pay special attention to the legal, political, discursive, aesthetic, and economic preconditions of gender discrimination.

The instructor will deliver this lecture to  introduce to theoretical and historical preconditions of gender studies today including practical questions of implementation. After the presentation there will be room for discussion. Key terms will be clarified.

Written exam at the end of term

Access articles via OLAT and check out the books on reserve at the SOWI-library


If you have any further questions you may contact the instructor per e-mail: birgit.langenberger@univie.ac.at

You may also contact the organizer of the MA-gender studies
Elisabeth Grabner-Niel (E-Mail: Elisabeth.Grabner-Niel@uibk.ac.at; Tel.: 507-9810)

Group 0
Date Time Location
Sat 2013-10-05
08.30 - 18.30 SR VI (Theologie) SR VI (Theologie) Barrier-free
Sat 2013-11-30
08.30 - 18.30 SR VI (Theologie) SR VI (Theologie) Barrier-free
Sat 2014-01-25
08.30 - 18.30 SR VI (Theologie) SR VI (Theologie) Barrier-free
Fri 2014-01-31
15.30 - 17.00 SR I (Theologie) SR I (Theologie) Barrier-free Klausur
Fri 2014-03-07
16.00 - 17.30 SR VI (Theologie) SR VI (Theologie) Barrier-free Klausur
Thu 2014-04-10
15.00 - 17.00 SR 2 (Sowi) SR 2 (Sowi) Barrier-free 15.30 Uhr Klausur