930003 Gender Relations and Migration

winter semester 2013/2014 | Last update: 16.01.2014 Place course on memo list
Gender Relations and Migration
SE 2

The students are able to understand, analyze and reflect the material and symbolic conditions, which impose on gender a special relevance as a category of differentiation in migration.

This course deals with the entanglements and the connections that exist between gender and migration. New insights gained from critical studies in migration, refugee and gender as well as experiences from women migrants’ self-organizations are at the center.

One central topic of the course would be the political and structural conditions migrants see themselves confronted with in Austria and which impacts these have on their living situations. Equally important will be the gendered attributions within reproductive care work on the labor market and the related transnational care chains.

Another focus will be laid on the analysis of actual and potential subversive practices that are developed in the context of migration. In this respect the inadequacy of the heteronormative frame and its binary gender conception are debunked and analyzed.

Introduction into the subject by the course instructor, further elaborated by individual and common reading and discussion supported by the use of several medias, methods and social forms, individual work on selected items as a term paper or a presentation.
Teaching methods focus on inputs, text discussions, analyzes of various materials and discussions; the understanding and reflection will mainly be gained by text reading illustrated through examples.
In order to fulfill the course requirements and to gain a better understanding further literature will be provided.



Attendance, active participation;
students can choose between two possibilities:  a written assignment or an oral presentation with a written work.
Details will be presented in the first session.

Broden, Anne; Mecheril, Paul (Hg.) (2007): Re-Präsentationen: Dynamiken der Migrationsgesellschaft. IDA-NRW. Düsseldorf;

Caixeta, Luzenir (2013): Prekarität, Care-Krise, transnationale Arrangements und die Rolle von Migrant_innen: In: Brunner; Fink; Krondorfer; Prokop (Hg.): Freiheit & Prekarität. Feministische Wissenschaft, Kulturkritik und Selbstorganisierung. Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot. Münster: 34-45;

Castro Varela, Maria do Mar; Dhawan, Nikita (2007): Migration und die Politik der Repräsentation. In: Broden; Mecheril (Hg.): Re-Präsentationen: Dynamiken der Migrationsgesellschaft. IDA-NRW. Düsseldorf: 29-46;

Degele, Nina; Winker, Gabriele (2007): Intersektionalität als Mehrebenenanalyse. In: http://portal-intersektionalitaet.de/theoriebildung/schluesseltexte/degelewinker/

Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Encarnación (2004): Postkolonialismus: Subjektivität, Rassismus und Geschlecht.  In: Becker; Kortendiek (Hg.) (2004): Handbuch Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Theorie, Methoden, Empirie. VS Verlag. Wiesbaden: 239 – 247;

Hausbacher; Klaus; Poole; Brandl; Schmutzhart (Hg.) (2012): Migration und Geschlechterverhältniss. Kann die Migrantin sprechen? Springer VS. Salzburg;

Lutz, Helga (2009): Gender Mobil? Geschlecht und Migration in transnationalen Räumen. Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot. Münster;

Maisha Eggers, Maureen(2011): „Interdependente Konstruktionen von Geschlecht und rassistischer Markierung – Diversität als neues Thematisierungsformat?“ In: Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien (Hrsg.): Bulletin Texte Nr. 37. Konstruktionsprozesse in der Schule aus Sicht der Gender Studies. HUB Berlin: 56-70;

Manalansan IV, Martin F. (2006): „Queer Intersections: Sexuality and Gender in Migration Studies.“ International Migration Review 40.1 (2006): 224-249;

Rommelspacher, Birgit (2013): Zur Emanzipation "der" muslimischen Frau. Kontroversen im Kontext kultureller und patriarchaler Dominanz. In: Spenlem, Klaus (Hg.) (2013): Gehört der Islam zu Deutschland? Fakten und Analysen zu einem Meinungsstreit. Dup Düsseldorf Univ. Press.  Düsseldorf: 419–434.


If there are any questions, please contact Elisabeth Grabner-Niel, the coordinator of this master program:

Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2013-10-11
09.30 - 18.00 SR I (Theologie) SR I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Fri 2013-11-15
09.30 - 18.00 SR I (Theologie) SR I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Fri 2014-01-17
09.30 - 18.00 SR VI (Theologie) SR VI (Theologie) Barrier-free